There are several ways to define behavior, but a simple way to put it would be as the way an animal or human reacts to a situation (or stimulus). Behavior Modification, then is the systematic, therapeutic approach to changing that behavior.

By utilizing a variety of motivational techniques, the goal is to swap disagreeable behavior with more desirable behavior. Unlike traditional dog training, sometimes referred to as obedience training that focuses on training dogs to perform specified actions. Behavior modification also focuses on adjusting the environment around the dog first to assist in facilitating the emotional change needed to reduce or eliminate the dogs reaction to situation, person, or thing.


Behavior modification can also use obedience techniques such as teaching cues like “sit” or “wait”. However, these are just individual tools in an overall program designed to change how the dog thinks, feels and sub-sequentially, acts. Learning cues like “Wait” or “Stay” can encourage self-control, deference or even relaxation in certain situations.

It is vital to understand that when we work with animals displaying dangerous behavior, we need to do more than just change the dogs actions, because these behaviors are rooted in emotion. With the wrong tools or techniques, it’s entirely possible to temporarily suppress dangerous behavior.  Unless you treat the underlying problem, by identifying the root cause of what is triggering your dog to emotionally escalate, the behavior eventually returns, sadly often magnified, and with unfortunate repercussions.

Ultimately, we’re looking to change the over-all attitude and emotions of the dog, in order to decrease anxiety & fear which drives the need to display dangerous behavior.  That means giving dogs every chance to succeed by making changes in their environment to decrease stress. Along with teaching them better coping mechanisms. A lot of different factors go into behavior modification that make behavioral programs effective. You can try to develop and implement a behavior modification plan on your own, but it’s probably best that you find a certified counselor or therapist who specializes in behavior modification therapy.

Canine Behavior Consultation

We meet privately to evaluate your dogs behavior, discuss details of your intake form and goals you hope to achieve. Together, we create a behavior modification plan that fits into your lifestyle. This process averages 1-3 hrs. You will also receive a case report, behavior plan outline, and info packet with necessary resources. Anyone can request this service on it’s own. However, it’s requirement for any Behavior Counseling Sessions.

Canine Behavior Counseling Sessions

These are individual counseling sessions between you, your dog, and us. We will guide you through your behavior plan, teaching you and your dog how to understand and communicate best with each other. We will meet on a regular basis, as needed, working together to help you and your dog. A Behavior Consultation is required prior to this in order to fully evaluate your dogs behavior and the situation thoroughly.

Our Philosophy on modifying behavior focuses on three areas. Communication, Understanding, and Trust. We don’t train dogs, we teach people how to properly understand and communicate with their dogs. By establishing an open, clear line of communication between human and canine, you can achieve the bond and level of trust you’ve always dreamed of having with your dog. Dogs are living creatures that can think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, and both experience and express, strong emotions. However, because they are a different species, they communicate in different ways than humans do, mostly with subtle body language.

Our first goal is to teach you how to understand what your dog is communicating to you. Through that understanding, we are then able to modify their behavior because we can then communicate back to them in specific ways they understand. With this solid foundation of understanding each other, communication and learning is most effective because it becomes a two-way street. Not just you “barking” out orders. Teaching your dog in this manner, combined with positive methodology, promotes accelerated learning, and nurtures the development of an unbreakable trust between you and your dog. It also promotes the development of an emotionally healthy animal, that through that trust –can learn to rely on you for emotional support and direction, so they can focus on just being a confident, happy pup!

Dogs learn in two ways – by association, their emotional response, and by consequence, by doing. Through a series of positive or negative, reinforcements or punishments, these learning methods can be manipulated to teach dogs nearly anything from a choreographed dance, to herding sheep, to sniffing out cancer or detecting bombs. Some of those methods utilize pain or fear to decrease unwanted behavior. And some methods utilize rewards to increase good behavior. While we use several teaching methods, those that use pain or fear will NEVER be used on your dog. We feel very strongly that dogs need patience, understanding, confidence, and a gentle touch when it comes to learning.

 We do not use (nor support the use of) tools or methods that involve pain or fear. This includes: prong, choke, or pinch collars, bark, shock, or e-collars, citronella collars, spray bottles, air-spray cans, air horns, yelling, hitting, leash snapping, or anything else deemed a “correction.”

We can’t say that the methods using pain or fear don’t work. Humans have been using the same punishment style techniques for centuries and getting results. However, the study of canine behavior and how to effectively train and teach animals has evolved tremendously just in the past decade. We have learned that the methodology using pain or fear causing tools & tactics come with major risks. Many studies over the past few decades have proven the negative emotional & psychological damage  these training methods  can cause.  They can damage your dogs ability to trust you, exasperate aggressive behaviors, increase fear and anxiety levels, and suppress warning signals indicating escalating aggressive behaviors that can cause injury to others, or the dog itself. Those methods just aren’t conducive to creating and nurturing trust or raising an emotionally well-balanced dog. And they just aren’t necessary for results. By keeping up to date with the latest studies and information in the field of canine behavior and psychology, we can teach you how to manage and change your dog’s behavior using a kinder, more gentle approach.



When you first contact us we will briefly go over the details of your situation over the phone and you will be emailed the corresponding intake form for your concerns.  The intake form gives us detailed information about your dogs behavior and the issues you’d like to work on, fill it out as detailed as possible and send it back to us for review. After reviewing everything, we will call to schedule your evaluation and discuss any additional information that may be needed.

NOTE: You will need to sign legal documents before we begin. This will be emailed in advance to the evaluation so we can briefly discuss them and answer any questions.


Once you’ve completed your Evaluation, we can start working together on your dogs behavior plan through scheduled counseling sessions. There is a minimum purchase of 3x Sessions (1 hour) to start. However, we will give you 10% off your first 3 sessions as a “Thank You.”   You can pay for this with cash or check at the evaluation or via venmo, paypal, or credit card online. If your behavior plan requires more counseling, individual sessions can be purchased as needed afterwards at the rate of $100 per.


When scheduling the evaluation, you’ll be sent the invoice for the evaluation fee & it must be paid before the evaluation date. This $150 fee is non-refundable. At the evaluation, we’ll go over the details in your intake form, thoroughly discussing your goals, working together to create a behavior modification plan that works for you, your life and your dog. This can take up to 2+ hours and afterwards you’ll receive a detailed case report, behavior plan, and customized packet of info & resources. You’re not obligated to purchase anything beyond this. However, to continue with counseling requires a minimum purchase of 3 sessions to start.


Individual sessions can be purchased on an as-needed basis after the initial first three sessions at the rate of $100 per hour. We will have more discount options available soon through the Pet Professional Guild’s Project Trade Program.  Keep checking back here on this page for those details. Non-Profit Organizations looking for help can qualify for higher discounts and possibly free Behavioral assistance. Please contact the office and mention your 501c3 status first.



The speed at which your dog learns is entirely up to you and your dog. Each dog learns at a different rate. How much effort and time you put into their behavior modification will help to determine how quickly and thoroughly they learn. We suggest you set aside 10-15 minutes, once or twice a day, at least..  We do not make any guarantees or promises that we can fix your dog, train them, or make them into anything other than what they are. We are simply giving YOU the tools and the knowledge and helping to guide you along the way. It is up to you to put in the time and effort required to help your dog. Our promise to you, is to be there for you along the way. To answer questions, provide tips, insight, knowledge, and guidance


Phone, Text, and Email support is available, during office hours(and after by request/availability only). Support is available to you for the duration of your services and is included up to 6 months after the completion of the last session to help ensure you and your dogs success. *Please Note: Not all concerns can be addressed via phone, text, or email. Additional sessions may be required and will be charged.

Payment & Scheduling Policies

  • Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Services are provided by appointment only – Monday – Friday 10am-8pm Saturday & Sunday 10am -6pm
  • ALL Services must be paid for and are due at the time of scheduling.
  • All payments are non-refundable. Credits issued with conditions.
  • No refunds and no credits will be given for canceled, unused, or expired services.
  • You may cancel a session & reschedule as needed, but keep in mind that all services expire 6 months from their purchase date. No exceptions.
  • Exceptional circumstances for rescheduling are considered, please discuss with us privately with as much advance as possible.
  • Cancellations/Rescheduling must be made at least four(4) hours in advance of the scheduled Session. If you cancel less than 4 hours in advance, you will forfeit that Session and fee and it cannot be rescheduled.
  • NO SHOWS – If we show up and no one is home or available for your scheduled session, the service and fee is forfeited and cannot be rescheduled.
If you need help, call us. If we can’t directly help, then we have a large network of behavior professionals we can connect you with. -FINANCIAL AID & DISCOUNTED PRICING AVAILABLE-