The more I learn about dogs, the more I become obsessed with them. I love reading new studies and following the work of researchers online. One of my favorite things to learn about is how their brain works, how they think, and how they feel. I’ve never been a huge... read more →
Mental Stimulation is important for all species. Just like any other muscle in the body needs exercise and regular use to maintain its well-being and prevent health from declining, the brain also has those same needs to stay healthy. Regular, consistent use of the brain increases physiological responses such as... read more →
The term “Left Gaze Bias” refers to humans’ tendency to look towards the left side of a new persons face when they meet(or the right-hand side of the person.) There really isn’t a well-documented explanation for this, but it only occurs when we encounter the face of another person and... read more →
And, Why is it important? The bonding hormone is called “Oxytocin.” It’s a hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It’s often referred to as the “love hormone” or the “snuggle hormone” because it is released when people or dogs’ bond socially or physically. What does this... read more →
Over the past few years, research into the cognitive and emotional capacities of our canine friends has skyrocketed. We’ve only truly just begun to start understanding their emotional capacity and levels of intelligence. As this information begins to trickle down, people are finally starting to wake up and realize that... read more →
One of my favorite hobbies is observing the wonderful intricacies of communication between my dogs. The way they play and interact is so fascinating to me – I could binge watch them for hours like a hot new Netflix drama. For two dogs who are so completely different, in both... read more →